Installing Your Interface Procedures

The interface procedures should be written in SPL and must be loaded into an SL. For all users to have access to them, they must be loaded into the System SL (SL.Pub.Sys). If only the users of one account are to access them, they can be installed in the account SL (SL.Pub.account). Assuming that the routines are in a source file called Qhooks.Source.User, and that the segment name assigned to these routines is QUSER, these are the commands to install or update the routines in the System SL:

  :hello manager.sys  :spl qhooks.source.user  :segmenter  -sl sl  -usl $oldpass  -purgesl segment,quser    {only required for update}  -addsl quser  -exit  

When the Interface configuration command is read from the Qeditmgr file, the interface routines are linked to Qedit by calling the LOADPROC intrinsic.

Installing Your Interface Procedures