Type 1234 Terminal or Emulator
Set the RCRTMODEL to 1234 if the terminal or emulator you are using does not support all the standard HP terminal features. For example, you should use this setting with hpterm. hpterm is a UNIX terminal emulator running under the X window system. It’s a basic 2392 emulator. hpterm can not identify itself to Qedit, nor let Qedit change the display width by escape sequence (although you can configure the display width manually).
When RCRTMODEL is set to 1234 before you run Qedit, Qedit functions in the following manner:
- It accepts the terminal as a terminal that is capable of more than 80 columns of display memory and of doing full-screen mode.
- If you set RCRTWIDTH to some value between 81 and 256, Qedit accepts it as the manually set display width.
- If you do not set RCRTWIDTH, Qedit attempts to sense the current display width and sets the jcw accordingly. The maximum width is 256 columns. Qedit can support up to 999 columns but, in these instances, the width has to be entered using the RCRTWIDTH variable or the Set Term Columns command.
- Qedit sets the option that eliminates changes to display width:
Set MarginFixed On
.This option also ensures that the right margin is always set at the right edge of the display width. Normally the right margin is set at the last valid column of the file, which might be less than the display width. You can use this option with other emulators if you wish to stop Qedit from changing the display width.
Please read the section on Set Visual Marginfixed to learn about its advantages and disadvantages.
- If you use the Set Term Columns command to specify a new width, Qedit does not attempt to change the terminal with an escape sequence. Instead, it displays the following message and waits for you to change the width manually:
Please change display width and press Enter:
Qedit does not verify that you have done this correctly, so if you make a mistake, do another Set Term Columns command to fix the width.
- Set Visual Stop normally resets all the jcws to their default state, forcing Qedit to re-identify the terminal. However, for hpterm, the RCRTMODEL and RCRTWIDTH jcws are not reset, since the terminal cannot be identified automatically. If you wish to stop using 1234 mode, you must reset RCRTMODEL to 0 manually.
- Set Visual Widen should normally be set to 76 or 80 (default) with hpterm. Otherwise you will not be able to use the extra columns beyond 80.