When the Qedit for Windows client establishes a new connection, it transmits information about the passwords included in the request. Qedit updates two variables with the information: QEDSTOREDPWD and QEDPROMPTEDPWD. The first variable indicates which passwords are stored with the connection. The second variable indicates which passwords are prompted for.

Values for these variables can have up to 4 characters. Each character represents a password supported by MPE. The user password is identified by the letter U, the account password by the letter A and the group password by a G. If you’re using VESOFT’s Security/3000 and enabled session passwords, the variables might also contain the letter S.

Both variables are always created. If a variable does not have any of the passwords, it’s value is set to asterisk *. For example, if the session and user passwords are stored with a connection, the variables will have the following values:


This gives you the ability to reference these variables from within a command file, a Use file or a Qeditmgr file.

Since these variables are accessible from the Qeditmgr files, they can be used to validate proper security procedures and settings. Combined with the Exit command, they can be used to implement tighter system access control. For example, a qeditmgr file might contain the following statements:

  /if pos('S', qedstoredpwd) = 0  /   exit Session passwords must be prompted for. Contact system admin.  /endif