Visual Mode
On MPE/iX, it is very important that you configure your terminal with XON/XOFF Pacing (both Receive and Transmit). If you have Transmit Pacing set to None, Visual may fail with “Insufficient System Resources”. If you use Qedit Visual on the console, you should configure the terminal for ENQ-ACK protocol as well (prior to MPE XL 2.0).
If you have problems with DC1 hangs, first ensure that you are logged on as TERM=10 (or another Term Type that prompts for input with a DC1); you can determine this by enabling Display Functions, then press Return and see if the computer prints a DC1 Control Character after the regular prompt character). Second, check that you have enabled XON/XOFF Pacing on your terminal. Third, see if your modems are configured to pass XON/XOFF through. Fourth, try disabling typeahead.