Qedify and $Include
The CM compiler interface normally leaves Include commands to the user program, since the CM Interface allows up to 17 concurrent Qedit file opens, which should accommodate any reasonable level of nesting for Include files. If your CM program does not provide an Include facility, you can have the Qedit interface provide that facility for you.
If you answer Yes to Qedify’s Include question, Qedify asks you two more questions about processing Include files:
Would you like $included lines to show their sequence numbers (the default is to show spaces instead)? [no]: There is an option to turn $INCLUDE lines into comments. What kind of comments do you want? (0=none,1=SPL,2=Pascal,3=COBOL,4=Fortran?) [none]:
When you use Qeditj1 or Qeditj1a to convert your CM MPE compilers, FORTRAN, COBOLI and RPG are converted with $include processing enabled. All other compilers, including Trancomp, Ftn (77), COBOL, COBOLII and Pascal let the compiler process Include files. You could re-Qedify a particular compiler by hand if you wished to override these choices.