MPE Command

Qedit can execute MPE commands, including Run and Prep. If Qedit does not recognize the command as one of its own or as a UDC, it tries to treat it as an MPE command. If your command can be treated as a Qedit command, it will. This means the some MPE commands such as Help and many short UDC names such as UT must be entered with a colon prefix. To require a colon for MPE commands, use Set Limit Colonreq ON.

Examples of MPE commands are :Listf to get a list of your files; :Tell to send messages to other users, :Showtime to get the date and time, :Showjob to get a list of other users on the computer, :Cobol to compile, and :Stream to launch a job.

   /:showjob   /showjob  

MPE Command