Copylib Members
COBOL allows you to maintain libraries of common code and data called “copylibs”. Each library consists of several members, each with an eight-character name. You use HP’s Cobedit program to create the Copylib file but you can use Qedit to list copylib member names, and to Text, Keep, List and Destroy Copylib members. Wherever you may type a filename in Qedit, just substitute a member name in parentheses, optionally followed by the name of the Copylib file (default = “copylib” for which you usually have a :File command).
/file /list (custrec)
/text (custrec)
{looks in Copylib}
{same member, same file}
/keep (custrec2)
{new member, same file}
/keep (custrec) copylib2
{same member, different file}