Logon Sequence

When you use an MPE/iX connection to open a file in Qedit for Windows, this is what happens:

  1. A new host session is started, and the user name and passwords are validated (this includes additional logon processing by products such as SECURITY/3000).
  2. The Qedit client asks for the program Ci.Pub.Sys to be run with an Info string. For example,
    qedit.pub.robelle "-d<ip-address>"
    The “<ip-address>” is the IP address of the Qedit client.
  3. The Qedit process starts, and it verifies that you are authorized to use Qedit in server mode.
  4. Any system-wide Qeditmgr files are always processed. Processing account and group Qeditmgr files is optional and must be enabled in the client.
  5. The requested file is opened.
  6. A response is sent to the client.

It is important to note that logon UDCs are not executed as part of this process. Any environment variables or file equations that are set up as part of a logon UDC will not be in effect for the Qedit server process.

The default protocol is usually sufficient at most sites. However, some customers use firewall devices that further restrict access to their HP e3000, in which case the default protocol might not work.

For this reason, the server offers the Firewall protocol. Because the Firewall protocol needs to have a Qedit listener running at all times, you should add it to your system startup procedure. If the job is not running, all new connection requests are rejected.

  :stream qserver.qeditjob.robelle  

Currently, the only way to stop the job is to abort it.

With this setup, the server is run as a listener similar to a UNIX daemon. It waits for incoming connection requests on a specific port number. Like the HP-UX server, the default port number is 7395. If you want to use a different port, you have to modify the Qserver job stream. Upon receiving a request, the listener passes the information down to RPM, which then takes over.

Logon Sequence