:Tdpfinal and :Tdpdraft Commands

Because a number of our users have TDP for driving the 2680 printer but desire to do their editing in Qedit, we allow you to invoke the TDP formatter from within Qedit on either Editor files or Qedit files:

:TDPDRAFT [FROM filename] [TO filename] [COPIES nn] …




(Defaults: current workfile)

Use Tdpdraft to print a “draft” of your document. Use Tdpfinal to print a “final” version of your document. Use the TdpdraftQ or TdpfinalQ options to suppress TDP’s final page of statistics.

The filename may be * for the current or previous workfile, but \IN is not supported yet for Qedit workfiles. The default input file is your current workfile, if you do not specify any parameters to the command. If you include TO, then FROM does not default to the current workfile. Instead, TDP will prompt you for the input file. If TDP must prompt you, then the input file you specify cannot be a Qedit workfile.

Qedit does not know about TDP’s configured printers, so you cannot use ':tdpfinal from * to *quality', for example. Instead, you must set up a file command to point TDP’s formal file designator, which may be STERM or SLP, to the appropriate device, then do `:tdpfinal from * to *device'. You must specify a valid TDP output device, not a TDPCONFG mnemonic name. There is no interface to the TDP spooler.


  /file slp;dev=pp  /tdpfinal from * to *hp2680  /reset slp  

:Tdpfinal and :Tdpdraft Commands