Q Command [Q]

Prints a message on $stdlist.

Q [ "string" ]

(Default: print a blank line)

The string of up to 80 characters is printed on $stdlist.

Use the Q command to print prompts from usefiles. This works especially well when you use a file quietly.

Q can be used to include comments in batch mode. Use :COMMENT in usefiles for a nonprinting comment line.


Below is a usefile for compiling and preparing a large SPL program. The program reports to the user as it progresses. Because these commands may take a long time to complete, the last line is a Q command to wake us up by ringing the Bell.

  Q "This usefile compiles/preps Suprtool."  Q "First we Shut your Open workfile, if any."  shut  :COMMENT Purge any existing USL file.  Will build new one.  :purge suprtool.usl  :COMMENT Use Segment Stdin= commands to init new USL file.  :run segdvr.pub.sys;stdin=toolseg.job  :COMMENT Save new USL file.  :save suprtool.usl  :COMMENT Drop security; we need access from many accounts.  :release suprtool.usl  :COMMENT Compile all source modules into USL file.  Q "USL file initialized for Suprtool."  :spl commag1.suprtool,suprtool.usl  :spl commhr1.suprtool,suprtool.usl  :spl commsz1.suprtool,suprtool.usl  :spl main1.suprtool,  suprtool.usl  :spl open1.suprtool,  suprtool.usl  :spl sort1.suprtool,  suprtool.usl  :spl util1.suprtool,  suprtool.usl  Q "All Suprtool source modules compiled."  :COMMENT Nested usefile to do the Prep command.  use prep.suprtool  :COMMENT Finally, use Q command to ring Bell on user terminal.  Q "Suprtool :prep is Done! <Control-G> ..."  

Q Command [Q]