Qedit icon razz :Pause Command [PAUSE] ause Command [PAUSE]

The Pause command has two uses: to suspend Qedit for a specified number of seconds, or to print a prompt message on the screen and wait for the user to press Return. If the parameter is numeric, Pause does a timed wait. If the parameter is not numeric, it is used as the prompt message and a wait for user Return is done instead. The Pause command is handy in usefiles to provide time for the user to read the screen before continuing.

Qedit icon razz :Pause Command [PAUSE] AUSE [ seconds | message ]

(Defaults: read without a prompt)

The message is not in quotes and is separated from the command name by a single space.


  /pause 5            {wait for 5 seconds}  /display To get out of Suprtool, type Exit  /pause Press Return when ready to try Suprtool.  /run suprtool.pub.robelle  

:Pause Command [PAUSE]