STREAMX is a product from VESOFT that permits you to build flexible job streams. STREAMX contains a complete programming language with loops, prompts, and parameter substitution. A problem arises when trying to enter comments into a Qedit batch job that will be submitted with STREAMX. Qedit uses the {…} pair to delimit comments. STREAMX uses these same characters for expressions.

You cannot change Qedit’s comment character, but you can change the {…} characters in STREAMX. The following example changes the STREAMX expression characters from {…} to ~…~:

  !job helpfile,user.acct  ::setbraces ~~  !comment  Purpose: This job stream uses the QLIB tools  !comment            Prose and Qhelp to create  !comment            a helpfile from a user manual.  !comment  !purge  !setjcw outhelpcomp=1  !run helpcomp.qlib.robelle;parm=3  ~product~.doc.acct  yes  !release  !run  open  list .beginkey (U)    {optimizing pointers for speed}  exit  !tell ~hpjobname~,~hpuser~.~hpaccount~;Help created!  !set stdlist=delete  !eoj