Form Command [FORM]

Displays information about a self-describing file created by programs such as Suprtool. These programs store information about the record layout such as field names, data types, length.

FORM [ $lp | $lpa | $lpb ] [ filename ]

(Default: filename = current Text file)

If filename is omitted and a workfile is currently active, Qedit uses the name of the Text file (see Verify Keep). An external filename can be specified.

If the file is not self-describing, Qedit displays the following message:

  Error:  File is not self-describing.  

Self-describing files on MPE have a special filecode, SD. The data description information is stored in the file userlabels. For example, a self-describing file would look like this:

  ACCOUNT=  GL       GROUP=  DATA  FILENAME  CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----                    SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX  X1DSBEDR  SD      302B  FA        3500       3500  13      320  1  1  

The Form output looks like this:

  Self-describing information for X1DSBEDR.DATA.GL      File: X1DSBEDR.DATA.GL     (SD Version B.00.00)         Entry:                     Offset            CHAR-FIELD           X5      1  <<Sort# 1 >>            INT-FIELD            I1      6            DBL-FIELD            I2      8            PACKED-FIELD         P12    12            PACKED*-FIELD        P12    18            QUAD-FIELD           I4     24            ID-FIELD             I1     32            LOGICAL-FIELD        K1     34            DBLLOG-FIELD         K2     36            ZONED-FIELD          Z5     40      Limit: 3500  EOF: 3500  Entry Length: 44  Blocking: 64  

LP listing

Overrides default output to $stdlist. $lp, $lpa and $lpb send output to a file with the same name as the option.

Form Command [FORM]