Findup Command [FINDU/F3]
Finds the previous line in the workfile that contains a string. Findup can be shortened to ^. Use Find if you want to search for the next line.
FINDUP [string] [linenum]
(Q=no display)
(Default: string = recent; linenum = *-1)
Findup defaults string to be “same as last string” and linenum to be “starting from the previous line”. This saves having to repeatedly type the string and linenum. Once you have defined your string and starting position, all you need to enter is “^” or “FINDU” to find the next string.
The F3 user key does the same function as Findup without parameters.
/findup "exit" last {find last line with "exit"} 90 after you exit from a module, the program (11)^ /findup find previous line with "exit" 45 this command will cause an exit from the (28)^ /^ {continue finding lines...} ... /^ {...until you reach start of file} Warning: No Line {prints error and rewinds} Error: Beginning of File /findup {next Findup wraps around!} Warning: Rewind to LAST 90 after you exit from a module, the program (11)^ /findupq;mod {find string and modify it} /findupq;c""exit" {find string and change it} /findupq;c""" {find string and remove it}
Refer to the notes under the Find command.