Moving a “Hooked” Qedit

When you install MPEX and the Vesoft account, they make a copy of Qedit in Pub.Vesoft and “hook” it for closer cooperation with MPEX.


Since Qedit looks for compilers, help files, and other supporting files in the same account where the program resides, the hooked Qedit looks for those files in the Vesoft account. If you are on MPE/iX and you want I/O redirection of command files, copy the file Qloadxl from Robelle to Vesoft. Put the following Set commands in a configuration file named Qeditmgr.Pub.Vesoft:

  /set account robelle   {e.g., Cobol.Q.Robelle}  /set filename help  /set filename hint  /set filename qzmodhlp  /set extprog com on  

The Set Extprog command assumes that you want Qedit to explicitly pass % commands to MPEX, rather than have the “hook” intercept all % lines at every prompt in Qedit. It is desirable to handle % commands within Qedit this way, rather than through the hook, because it ensures that your current workfile is properly posted to the disc and it allows you to Add % commands into a file as data without executing them. To achieve this result, you must rehook Qedit with the Nopercent option:

  :run  %hook;nopercent     {SM or Vesoft logon}  

You may not find that you need a hooked Qedit, now that Qedit has a :Listredo stack and accepts the VESOFT-style shorthand (“,” for Redo). Some remaining benefits of hooking Qedit are that the System Manager can Keep across account boundaries (but watch out for Creator name), and ACD information is retained from Text to Keep.

Moving a "Hooked" Qedit