Refreshing the Screen

If you make changes to the screen, then decide not to keep them before you press Enter to update your screen, how do you get your original text back? You refresh the screen by typing a * on the home line, then pressing F7, F1 or Enter (or any function key with Set Vis Update On). Use the Undo command if you press Enter and then decide that you don’t want to keep your changes.

If you insert so many new lines that you push the column template line right off the bottom of your screen, don’t worry — it’s not really gone. Qedit won’t update your screen without the template line, however. Press Next Page (Pg Dn) to pull up the next screen of display memory. You have a problem only if you inserted so many lines that you pushed the template line right out of display memory, and even then you can still recover your changes. See the Errors in Visual section of Appendix E, regarding qscreen.

Screen Refresh is particularly useful if you’ve pressed Clear Display by accident.

  ===>*  F7  

When using Set Vis Update On to automatically update the screen, use *> F7 or *< F7 to move ahead or back one page, without updating the current page.

Refreshing the Screen