Aborting All Users to Back Up
One of the features of MPE is the ability to do automatic backups to a DAT tape in the middle of the night without an operator. For this to work, you need to configure your tape drive for “automatic reply”, insert a tape before you leave, and :Stream backup; AT=23:00 (i.e., 11 p.m.). This works fine, unless someone forgets to log off. The files they have open will not be on the backup tape. Qedit can abort these users when it is time for backup, by doing a :Showjob into a disc file and reformatting it into a list of :Abortjob commands.
!file abort,new;dev=disc;rec=-80,16,f,ascii;nocctl;temp !setjcw cierror := 0 !continue !showjob job=@s;*abort !if cierror=0 then ! file abort,oldtemp ! run qedit.pub.robelle text abort dq "#S" (1/2 nomatch) :comment To allow Operator.Sys to remain logged on: dq "OPERATOR.SYS" cq 9/80 "" all cq 1 ":abortjob " all shut use Qeditscr exit !endif !purge abort,temp !reset abort
For this job to work, the job stream must be “allowed” to do :Abortjob. You can either ALLOW the command to everyone (@.@), or use VESOFT’s GOD program to ALLOW this job the :Abortjob command.